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Worm: Excretory Cell (WBbt_0005812)

Worm excretory cell is a H-shaped cell type associated with the excretory system, the largest cell in C. elegans.

Fly nephrocyte graphic

Above is a graphic of worm excretory cell (Reference: https://www.wormatlas.org/aging/excretory/mainframe.htm). Copyright: WormBase.

WBbt ID: WBbt_0005812

    WBbt definition: H-shaped cell associated with the excretory system, largest cell in C. elegans. [database_cross_reference: WB:rynl]

    Synonyms: excretory canal cell; lineage name: ABplpappaap; exc_cell

    Cross-reference to Cell Ontology term: CL_0000424

Cell Hierarchy (defined by WBbt):

    Worm excretory cell hierarchy according to the C. elegans Gross Anatomy Ontology (WBbt):

pericardial cell hierarchy

Above is a graphic of excretory cell hierarchy (source: screenshot from Ontobee). Later on we will show a cell hierarchy with live links to other cell types.

Anatomical Location:

    Worm excretory canal cell is located juxtaposed to the terminal bulb of the pharynx on the ventral side.

Connections and Vicinity:

    Worm excretory canal cell is the largest cell in the nematode. The excretory canal cell and three other cell types (i.e., pore cell, the duct cell and bilateral gland cells) form the excretory apparatus of the organism.

Cell Biomarkers:

Cell Differentation and Lineage:

    Lineage origin: ABplpappaap.

    The birth of the H-shaped excretory cell occurs at 270 minutes after the first cell cleavage (just around the end of gastrulation at 22℃), which provides an easily identifiable landmark in embryogenesis.

    Transcription factors important for canal cell differentiation:

Cell Type Evolution Among Organisms:

    Worm excretory canal cell serves a function similar to the mammalian kidney and ureter structures. See analogous cells in other organisms:

Related Key Gene Ontology Terms:

Neighborhood cell types:

    The neighborhood cell types of worm excretory cell are described in detail in the C. elegans excretory system Cell Connectome.

Gene Expression Profiles:

    More to add. Stay tuned ...

Pathways and Functional Maps:

    Podocyte-associated pathways and functional maps:

    More to add. Stay tuned ...


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