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Standards Used/Developed in CellCards

This page introduces the standards that are used / developed in our CellCards project. These standards include our new developed cell card schema and many community-based interoperable ontologies.

Cell Card Schema (see more)

Our Cell Card Schema standard is supported by LinkML:

The LinkML modeling language will be used to design schemas that are easily shared across many platforms and communities. We will leverage the modeling features of LinkML to define the minimum information standards, the structure of the cell cards, and mappings between cell card fields and ontology terms. This will allow us to validate data that goes into the cell cards and disseminate documentation to the community about the information standards required to produce CellCards. We will also use LinkML to drive the CellCards user interface. This will standardize the workflows, making it easier for other groups to use and ensuring rigor and reproducibility. We will leverage the knowledge base created in other resources such as ASCT+B2.  

More information about the Cell Card Schema:

Ontologies used in CellCards

The ontologes being used in CellCards include:

More information will be added. Stay tuned ...